Many organizations are finding it challenging to raise funds for their community causes. We've created a new program to make ordering and distribution easier in these times.

Plants are a staple of life and have been brought to the forefront as people were hunkered down in their own homes. Vegetable gardens are particularly popular as people look to grow their own food. It's no better time to teach your children about their food and where it comes from than it is now.

We're introducing a new pre-order fundraiser program for 2023 to address the challenges of the year. We aim to make the process as easy and seamless as possible.

  1. We work with you to create a product offering tailored to your particular fund raiser. It can include flowers, hanging baskets, planters, bedding plants, and of course, herb and vegetable plants. We suggest building plant "collections" to ease in the distribution of smaller plants.
  2. Optionally, reserve your distribution date. We're booking days where you can distribute your plants from our facility. You reserve a specific date and have exclusive use of our covered pic-nic area to distribute your plants. The area is outdoors for greater safety, but still covered and protected from the elements. Of course, fundraisers may also pick up their orders or have them delivered.
  3. Create an order form and take pre-orders for your collections. The deadline for pre-ordering varies based on the crop-time for the plants you have selected as well as the distribution date. Most vegetables, herbs, and bedding plants have a deadline of March 1st, while Hanging Baskets and Planters may be earlier. If you choose, we will also publish your event on our website and refer customers looking for plant to you.
  4. Place your final order with us and we custom grow all the plants specifically for you and the exact delivery date you want. In this way, barring a major crop failure, you will be sure to have exactly what you want and it's easy to organize.
  5. When the distribution date arrives, we bring all the plants you ordered to our pic-nic area where you and your volunteers sort the orders appropriately for pickup. You provide the help, any signage you require, and develop your pickup plan following any necessary guidelines. Your customers come to visit the pic-nic area to collect their order from you. Alternatively, you can pickup your complete order from us or have it delivered to a single drop-off location.

The use of our outdoor pic-nic area allows for distribution for those organizations without facilities for distribution, or those that have restrictions limiting or prohibiting distribution.

Contact us if you have any questions or are interested in this program.


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  • Fundraising Events

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